Filters and Effects

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Filters and Effects
Storyboard That

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Comment Être Votre Propre Artiste de Storyboard

Par Josh Bumcrot

Embaucher un artiste storyboard prend du temps, coûte cher, et peut finalement être inefficace. Il y a de nombreux avantages à être votre propre artiste de storyboard, mais que faire si vous ne savez pas comment? Cet article vous donne trois conseils simples sur la façon de créer facilement des storyboards et de les rendre plus professionnels.

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Storyboard Description

Filters and Special Effects on Storyboard That

Texte du Storyboard

  • Color is the standard that all images come in by default. There is no "filter" applied.
  • Grayscale turns all images into varying shades of gray. GREAT FOR: showing a past event or memory
  • PEN
  • Sepia converts the images' colors to shades of light brown. GREAT FOR: showing the past / an antiqued look
  • The Pencil filter makes the images look hand-drawn. GREAT FOR: sketchy look
  • The Pen filter is like the pencil filter in that it makes the images look hand-drawn. GREAT FOR: sketchy look or printing out as coloring book images
  • Canvas Bumps adds texture to the image without distorting it. GREAT FOR: adding texture to items
  • BLUR
  • Diffuse Light is a filter that gives a "bubble" look to characters, items, and scenes. GREAT FOR: a more "3-D" appearance
  • The Blur filter makes everything a little fuzzy. GREAT FOR: making the background fade back, so the objects in the foreground stand out
  • The Soft Focus filter makes everything have a soft, brighter quality. GREAT FOR: a more "magical" or dream-like feel
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