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  • Moje Ploče s Pričama

Sviđa vam se ovaj plan lekcije? kopirajte sada!

kopirajte ovu aktivnost
Pregled Aktivnosti
Predložak i Upute za Razred

Pregled Aktivnosti

Visualizing goals is just one step in achieving them. Students can choose to use the goal they've created a storyboard for or set another goal for themselves. Following the SMART acronym, Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time, students will make a goal for themselves for the year. In a month or in a few months (at your discretion), have students refer back to the worksheet. Are they still on the path toward their goal? What things might they have to adjust in order to keep going? Students may make tweaks as necessary, understanding that sometimes things don't go according to plan, but there's always a way to keep moving forward!

Clicking "Use This Assignment" will copy the worksheet into your teacher account. You can customize any part of it if you'd like to further tailor it to your students, or use as is. Once you're done editing, just save and print the worksheet!

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Create and write out a SMART goal that you would like to accomplish this year.
  3. Be sure to revisit and check your progress, keeping in mind the "Measurable" aspect of your goal!
  4. Save and Exit

Referentni Plan Lekcije

Cijene za Škole i Okruge

Ograničeno Vrijeme

Ponuda za Uvodnu Školu
  • 1 Škola
  • 5 učitelja za jednu godinu
  • 1 sat virtualne PD

30-dnevno jamstvo povrata novca • Samo novi kupci • Puna cijena nakon uvodne ponude • Pristup je za 1 kalendarsku godinu

*(To će započeti s 2 tjedna besplatnog probnog razdoblja - nije potrebna kreditna kartica)
© 2024 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Sva prava pridržana.
StoryboardThat je zaštitni znak tvrtke Clever Prototypes , LLC i registriran u Uredu za patente i zaštitne znakove SAD-a