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Ryba na Wykresie Wykresu Drzewiastego
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Stwórz własną Storyboard

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Ryba na Drzewie Lynda Mullaly Hunt Plan Lekcji

Ryba na drzewie – Lynda Mullaly Hunt

By Lauren Ayube

Ally nie lubi szkoły. Kiedy próbuje czytać lub pisać, słowa po prostu tańczą, a ona po prostu nie może tego zrobić. Jej nauczycielka jej nie rozumie, a złośliwe dziewczyny się z niej śmieją. Kiedy jej nauczycielka idzie na urlop macierzyński, świat Ally zmienia się i to za sprawą pana Danielsa. Nie jest taki jak inni. W rzeczywistości nie jest taki, jak ktoś, kogo Ally kiedykolwiek spotkała.

Ryba na Drzewie

Storyboard Opis

Utwórz wizualne podsumowanie fabuły Fish in a Tree autorstwa Lynda Mullaly Hunt, podkreślając ekspozycję, konflikt, rosnącą akcję, punkt kulminacyjny, akcję spadającą i rozdzielczość.

Tekst Storyboardowy

  • Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt
  • Come on in, Ms. Nickerson.
  • Today's AssignmentWrite a story!Be creative!Have fun!
  • "Everyone is smart in different ways. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking that it's stupid."
  • Okay, Ally, here we go!
  • The future is in your hands.
  • Oh boy...
  • Ally doesn’t like school. She is always getting sent to the principal's office and the work is too hard. When she tries to read or write, the words seem to dance around and she just can’t do it. Her teacher doesn’t understand her and the mean girls make fun of her. Until one day, Ally's world changes when her teacher goes on maternity leave, and it’s because of Mr. Daniels; he is not like the others. In fact, he is not like anyone Ally has ever met.
  • Keisha, are you okay?
  • Mrs. Hall leaves to have a baby, and Mr. Daniels is Ally’s new teacher. Ally finds it more and more difficult to hide her struggles from him.
  • Yeah, she is.
  • Nice to meet you, Travis. Quite the little sister you have here.
  • Mr. Daniels asks Ally questions about what it’s like when she reads and tells her that he’d like to have her tested for dyslexia. He begins helping Ally after school and teaches her how to play chess.
  • Mr. Daniels tells the class about the famous people who struggled with dyslexia. Ally’s classmates think it’s cool that Ally is like these famous people and everyone begins getting along - except for Shay. Ally becomes class president. Also, Albert confronts the bullies who have been beating up for a long time.
  • I'm tired of you messing with me!
  • Ally has gained confidence and Mr. Daniels offers to help Ally’s brother, Travis, learn to read.
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