Maniac Magee Summary - Plot Elements

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Maniac Magee Summary - Plot Elements
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Utilizarea Fontului Open Dyslexic pe SBT

Storyboards și Fontul Dyslexia

de Natasha Lupiani

Mulți studenți se luptă cu dizabilitățile de învățare, cum ar fi dislexia. Creați storyboards cu Open Dyslexic Font pentru a ajuta elevii să înțeleagă informațiile alături de contextul vizual al povestirii!

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Storyboard Descriere

Maniac Magee summary and Plot Diagram storyboard Story Plot Map

Storyboard Text

  • West End
  • East End
  • Jeffrey becomes an orphan, and is forced to live with his Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan. He can no longer stand living with them, and runs away.
  • What are you doing here?
  • Jeffrey performs many impressive feats and earns the name "Maniac".
  • Maniac bounces between East End and West End, trying to find a place to call home.
  • Welcome home Jeffrey.
  • Maniac blurs the lines between blacks and whites by bringing Mars Bar to the McNab's home.
  • Maniac is disappointed by the behavior in Two Mills and is upset that he can't fix the problems himself; he is alone and unsure about the future.
  • Maniac befriends Mars Bar and moves back to the one place he truly feels at home - with the Beale family.
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