Social Story - How to Wash Dishes

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Social Story - How to Wash Dishes
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How To Boards

Instrucțiuni pas cu pas Pentru Educația Specială

de Natasha Lupiani

Crearea unui storyboard este formatul ideal pentru crearea unei reprezentări în stil pas cu pas a unui „cum să diagramăm”. Celulele individuale creează o separare vizuală între pași, permițând fiecărei celule un pas diferit.

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Storyboard Descriere

ADLs/Activities of Daily Living - Social Story - How to Wash the Dishes, step by step instructions

Storyboard Text

  • Sally is learning how to wash dishes. The first step is to fill the sink with soap and water
  • Then put the dirty dishes in the soapy water and scrub each one with a sponge
  • Rinse the soap off of the clean dishes
  • And lastly, dry the dishes off with a towel
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