PEST sub-analysis

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PEST sub-analysis
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Analiza PEST

Analiza PEST

de Nathanael Okhuysen

Atunci când se pregătesc pentru viitor, companiile se angajează în planificarea strategică. Acest proces analizează factorii din interiorul și exteriorul companiei și utilizează frecvent o analiză SWOT sau un cadru similar pentru a organiza informațiile generate. Planificarea strategică care examinează factorii externi se numește scanare de mediu.

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Storyboard Descriere

Strategic Planning and management & environmental scanning - PEST

Storyboard Text

  • Local Unemployment
  • Raw Materials
  • Inflation
  • Several of our primary manufacturing locations are experiencing very low unemployment. This could increase turnover and/or wages in the near future.
  • Increased cost of mineral rights is not offsetting lower personnel and equipment costs for new deposits. Raw material costs are projected to rise over the next 5 years.
  • Inflation rates of the dollar are low and trending down. This has no direct impact on widgets, but could impact exchange rates in the next year.
  • Interest Rates
  • First National Bank of Anytown
  • Economic Factors
  • Global Economy
  • Interest rates remain low. Credit is readily available for business expansion.
  • The global economy continues to be healthy, but EU instability and economic downturns in Brazil, Russia, and Saudi Arabia threaten to disrupt growth.
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