"The Tell-Tale Heart" Literary Conflict

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"The Tell-Tale Heart" Literary  Conflict
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Puteți găsi acest scenariu în următoarele articole și resurse:
Biografie Edgar Allan Poe

Studiu de Autor: Edgar Allan Poe

Planuri de Lecție de Anna Warfield

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Storyboard Descriere

Edgar Allan Poe The Tell-Tale Heart Literary Conflict

Storyboard Text

  • MAN vs MAN
  • I keep thinking someone is in my room at night...
  • Where did you say the old man was?
  • MAN vs SELF
  • That heart-beat! I can hear it!
  • The narrator obsesses over the old man’s eye, eventually killing him for it.
  • The narrator lies to the police.
  • The narrator struggles to resist the awful ticking of the dead man's heart that haunts him.
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