Teenage Dating Social Story

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Teenage Dating Social Story
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Natasha Lupiani Tarafından

Sosyal Hikayeler sadece genç öğrenciler için değildir; gençler de dahil olmak üzere her yaş için faydalı olabilirler. Öykü tahtalarını, genç öğrencilerle aksi halde garip konuşmalar başlatmak için tehdit edici olmayan bir yol olarak kullanın.

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Öykü Açıklama

Teenage Dating Social Story Example. Use this social story example or customize it to help teens navigate different social situations! free printable social stories worksheets, social skills teenager worksheets

Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • I was wondering if you wanted to go see that new movie this weekend?
  • That sounds like fun.
  • Let me at least pay for half of it...
  • That will be $12.50
  • That was a great movie, maybe sometime we can go to dinner?
  • The End
  • That would be nice, I had a lot of fun!
  • Joey thinks Jen is cool and wants to ask her on a date. He asks her to go see a movie.
  • Joey asked Jen on the date, so he is paying. Jen offers to pay her part, though, to keep it even.
  • Joey and Jen had a nice time together and decided to go on another date.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu