6-Cell Scavenger Hunt

هذه Storyboard That النشاط هو جزء من دليل المعلم تعرف على Storyboard That

نسخ النشاط*

نظرة عامة على النشاط

Navigating a new online platform takes practice for both students and teachers. Here is an engaging way for students to learn more about the Storyboard Creator using an interactive scavenger hunt. Students follow the directions in the titles and descriptions in order to create various scenes. In this way they are able to become familiar with the many different categories and art that is available to them for future assignments.

This version has six cells and is less complex than the eight-cell version.

نسخ النشاط*

قالب ورجال تعليمات

(هذه التعليمات قابلة للتخصيص بالكامل. بعد النقر على "نسخ النشاط" ، حدِّث التعليمات الموجودة في علامة التبويب "تعديل" في المهمة.)

Due Date:

Objective: Get to know all the different categories and art within the Storyboard Creator!

Student Instructions

  1. In each cell follow the directions in the title first.
  2. Then follow the directions in the description.
  3. Each cell will ask you to search through different categories of scenes and characters so you can become more familiar with the different artwork Storyboard That has to offer!

Requirements: Create an illustration in each cell that follows the directions in the title and in the description.

نسخ النشاط*

المزيد من Storyboard That

تعرف على Storyboard That

نسخ النشاط*