Space Force Diagrams

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Space Force Diagrams
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القصة المصورة الوصف

Space Force Diagrams force examples comics

نص القصة المصورة

  • Example
  • A rocket accelerating upwards
  • Thrust
  • A Soyuz orbital module in orbit
  • A Soyuz re-entry capsule just after the parachute has been released
  • Drag
  • A Soyuz re-entry capsule at rest on the ground
  • Force Diagram
  • The Soyuz orbital module is in orbit. Even though it's speed may be constant it's velocity is changing as it changing direction. Forces are unbalanced. The only force acting on the module is its weight.
  • Weight
  • Drag
  • The Soyuz orbital module is in orbit. Even though it's speed may be constant it's velocity is changing as it changing direction. Forces are unbalanced. The only force acting on the module is its weight.
  • Weight
  • The capsule is decelerating so the forces aren't balanced. The drag from the parachute must be larger than the weight of the parachute and the capsule.
  • Weight
  • The forces are balanced, as the capsule is not moving. The reaction force acting on the capsule from the ground is equal and opposite to the weight of the capsule.
  • Weight
  • Reaction force
  • Image Attributions:Soyuz Spacecraft in Orbit ( - NASA on The Commons - License: No known copyright restrictions ( 29 Landing ( - NASA Goddard Photo and Video - License: Attribution ( Old and New ( - Ken and Nyetta - License: Attribution ( ( - ONaniena - License: Attribution (

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