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Casey v Plánech Lekcí

“Casey at the Bat” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer, is the most famous baseball poem ever written. It depicts a team, behind in the ninth inning, watching the star player step up to bat.

Aktivity studentů pro Casey na Bat

A Quick Synopsis of "Casey at the Bat"

The Mudville baseball team is down two runs in the ninth inning, and the fans fall silent as they see the chances of winning are very slim. Some of the fans fall into despair, while the others continue to have hope that they can win - all of them wishing that Casey, the team’s star player, would be up next at bat. Unfortunately, Flynn, and Jimmy Blake would be up first, and there was no hope that they’d be able to get on base. Unexpectedly, Flynn gets on third base and Blake gets to second. Five thousand fans cheer, excited that Casey will be up next.

Casey approaches the plate with a smile and responds to all the cheers of the crowd. Ten thousand eyes eagerly watch as Casey prepares to bat. The ball is pitched, and the umpire calls a strike. The crowd is in an uproar at the call, but Casey calms them down by raising his hand. He smiles again and signals the pitcher to throw; the umpire calls another strike! Again, the crowd turns angry, but a scornful look from Casey and they all simmer down. The final pitch is thrown, and Casey swings with all his might, but strikes out and leaves all of Mudville unhappy.

Essential Questions for "Casey at the Bat"

  1. Was Casey a success, or a failure? Why?
  2. Did the people of Mudville treat the baseball players fairly? Why or why not?
  3. How does the idea of hope and despair relate to baseball and other aspects of life?
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Ceny pro Školy a Obvody

Úvodní Nabídka Školy
  • 1 Škola
  • 5 učitelů na jeden rok
  • 1 hodina virtuálního PD

30denní záruka vrácení peněz • Pouze noví zákazníci • Plná cena po zaváděcí nabídce • Přístup je na 1 kalendářní rok

*(Spustí se zkušební test zdarma na 2 týdny - není potřeba žádná kreditní karta)
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