Discussion Storyboard on Solid, Liquid and Gas - Middle School

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Discussion Storyboard on Solid, Liquid and Gas - Middle School
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Věda Diskuse Storyboards

Autor: Oliver Smith

Diskuze Storyboard je storyboard, který je navržen tak, aby podporoval diskusi ve třídě. Každý scénář je situace nebo otázka, která je spárována s vizuálním a různými pohledy na situaci.

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Storyboard Popis

Science Discussion - what happens to the particles when icicles melt?

Storyboard Text

  • Who do you think is correct?
  • The particles in the ice and liquid water are the same, just arranged differently.
  • The liquid water particles are bigger than the ice particles.
  • The ice particles are a different color than the liquid water particles.
  • The ice particles are a different type of particle from the liquid water particles.
  • The students have collected an icicle from outside and it is melting. They want to know what happens to the particles as the icicle melts.
  • Sara
  • Chelsea
  • Jose
  • Curtis
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