Widget 5 Whys

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Widget 5 Whys
Storyboard That

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5 Warum im Geschäft

Was Sind die 5 Whys?

von Nathanael Okhuysen

Wenn etwas schief geht, vor allem in einer großen Organisation, kann es einen Instinkt geben, um Finger zu zeigen und Schuld zu machen. Das ist wohl nicht der beste Weg, um zu verhindern, dass das Problem in der Zukunft auftaucht. Sakichi Toyoda, der Gründer von Toyota Motor Company, entwickelte den "5 Whys" -Prozess, eine Art von Ursachenanalyse, um Probleme zu identifizieren und zu beheben, die innerhalb des Unternehmens entstanden sind. Es wurde seitdem weithin als Teil der Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen und Six Sigma Methodik angenommen.

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Storyboard Beschreibung

Root Cause Analysis - 5 whys - Five Whys - Genchi Genbutsu philosophy


  • Widgeter Mk. II
  • Gary has noticed the widgets coming through his station are defective.
  • Gary reports the problem to his boss, and they decide to perform a quick "5 Whys" analysis, along with a couple of Gary's co-workers.
  • The team articulates the problem and builds a linked chain of causation back to the root cause: the secondary widget punchers aren't being cleaned enough.
  • The team uses Storyboard That to map out a new protocol for widget puncher maintenance that is easy to understand and follow.
  • Gary's boss uses the storyboard as part of her report to upper management, reassuring them that the source of the defects has been eliminated.
  • There are no more defective widgets! The manufacturing process has been improved, and everyone is ready to get back to making the product.
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