Personajes de The Last Cherry Blossom

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Personajes de The Last Cherry Blossom
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Yuriko de The Last Cherry Blossom se sienta debajo de un cerezo. Sus flores son rosadas.

La última flor de cerezo de Kathleen Burkinshaw

Por Lauren Ayube

Yuriko, de doce años, tiene una vida privilegiada. Vive en Hiroshima con su padre, su tía y su prima, tiene una mejor amiga que es como una hermana y disfruta de la escuela. Cuando Yuriko descubre información sobre su pasado, y poco después de que la bomba atómica caiga sobre su ciudad, todo su mundo parece llegar a su fin.

La Última Flor de Cerezo

Storyboard Descripción

Crea un mapa de personajes para rastrear el desarrollo del personaje en The Last Cherry Blossom de Kathleen Burkinshaw.

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Physical/Character Traits:Twelve years oldRespectfulIntelligentCuriousBrave How does this character change over time?She grows up a lot when she has to deal with the war and learns the truth about her family. What challenges does this character face?She learns that all is not as it seems in her family.The atomic bomb is dropped and she loses many of her loved ones.
  • PAPA
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character change over time? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
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