Clark and Adele Go Out - With Directions

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Clark and Adele Go Out - With Directions
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!
Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Noolte kasutamine süžeeskeemis kaamera liikumiseks

Kuidas Luua Stsenaariumi Põhjal Süžeeskeemi

Autor: Miguel Cima

Enne kui hakkate luua oma storyboard, sa pead otsustama, millised storyboard mall, mida soovite kasutada. See on üks neist "pole vale vastus" valikuid. See on küsimus, mis töövoog tunnete kõige mugavamalt.

Vaadake mõnda muud meie äriartiklit!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • SCENE 1 SHOT 1
  • Action: Clark walks up towards the house as the door opens revealing Adele in her fancy dress. Sounds: Crickets in the background, the sound of passing cars Camera: Follows behind Clark, but then focuses on Adele.
  • SCENE 1 SHOT 2
  • Action: Clark is taken aback. Audio: (Internal dialogue) She looks amazing... Camera: Zoom in to focus on his amazed expression.
  • SCENE 1 SHOT 3
  • Action: Scene cuts to Clark helping Adele into his car. Audio: (barely audible "You look nice", "Thank you"). Rumbling of the engine Camera: No movement
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