PEST sub-analysis

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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PEST sub-analysis
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PEST Analüüs


Autor Nathanael Okhuysen

Kui valmistub tulevikus ettevõtted tegelevad strateegilise planeerimise. See protsess vaatleb tegureid nii seest kui ka väljastpoolt ettevõtet ning sageli töötab SWOT-analüüsi või muu sarnase raamistiku, korraldada teabe põhjal. Strateegiline planeerimine, mis uurib väliste tegurite nimetatakse keskkonna skaneerimine.

Vaadake mõnda muud meie äriartiklit!

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Strategic Planning and management & environmental scanning - PEST

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Local Unemployment
  • Raw Materials
  • Inflation
  • Several of our primary manufacturing locations are experiencing very low unemployment. This could increase turnover and/or wages in the near future.
  • Increased cost of mineral rights is not offsetting lower personnel and equipment costs for new deposits. Raw material costs are projected to rise over the next 5 years.
  • Inflation rates of the dollar are low and trending down. This has no direct impact on widgets, but could impact exchange rates in the next year.
  • Interest Rates
  • First National Bank of Anytown
  • Economic Factors
  • Global Economy
  • Interest rates remain low. Credit is readily available for business expansion.
  • The global economy continues to be healthy, but EU instability and economic downturns in Brazil, Russia, and Saudi Arabia threaten to disrupt growth.
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