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The Hidden Vampire

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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The Hidden Vampire
Storyboard That

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Blaire is a Vampire. She met a girl named Helena and a academy called 'The Shadows-X' planned on bombing San Francisco along with everyone on it. So, a company called Aptomius planned on stopping The Shadows-X by declaring war with the governments help. Once Blaire's sister, Caraline, got attacked by one of The Shadows-X's soldier she had enough and forced the war to come sooner than expected. Aptomius was not prepared nor did they have enough troops to overcome The Shadows-X. But, Blaire's Father was in the FBI and he decied to join along with 20 of his friends. With that they had enough. Aptomius and The Shadows-X met on a large boat that was in the middle of the sea. Aptomius wanted to be far aware from any land because they fear that The Shadows-X will hurt the cities and towns that are near by if they won. But with luck they we're able to win.

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • People are after your loved ones, Blaire
  • We finish this war right here Commander Blaire!
  • The war is done. We have won
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu