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Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • No worries, I'll learn youSo the first rule in integers is that O is neither positive nor a negative number Positive numbers are our natural numbers while negative numbers are the ones which have - symbol before them
  • Today we learnt integers but I seem to have forgotten them !!!
  • Hmm . . .
  • If both numbers to add are positive numbers only or negative numbers only then we have to add them if there is an addition symbol in between
  • First let's start with addition
  • Now for subtraction it is just the opposite of Addition if 2 different Numbers ( Positive and negative ) are separated by a + then you Subtract we often get confused when there is a number given where there is a positive number a - symbol and a negative number here we need to add as if to subtraction symbols are put together then the negative number becomes positive.
  • Hmm . . .
  • In multiplication, you multiply the numbers in the usual way but if they have the same signs the answer will be positive, and if they have different signs the answer is negative.Much simpler than addition and subtraction, right?
  • What about division?
  • Division is just opposite Same signs division will be a positive while diffrent sign division will be negative.
  • By Gambheer H
  • Hope you Learnt Something new!- Gambheer H
  • By Gambheer H
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu