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What happens after the Bread Winner

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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What happens after the Bread Winner
Storyboard That

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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  • 1. Parvana and her dad are going to mazar in their truck.The truck is rusty and it makes a lot of weird sounds.Parvana tells her father about the things that happened like how she turned into a boy and helped her friend Shauzia dig up bones and sell them. Father seemed to think this was a joke because he laughed but parvana assured him that it was true. She also told him a story about a boy who had all the seeds for food stolen from his town and how he had to talk to a big scary elephant god.
  • 2. On the way the person driving the truck said that they were running low on gas so they hopped out of the truck and walked the rest of the way. It was VERY hot and dusty outside.Thankfully they had a little bit of water and food but they had to use it wisely. As day and night passed they thought they were never going to make it to mazar. But they found a small light in the distance and went over to it.
  • 5. Parvana also grew and she was now twenty years old. She told the town that she would be leaving to go see one of her old friends shauzia. Everybody was going to miss her and so they all hugged her at once. She got very squished. So then off she went to paris but then she realized she needed a boat. She had a bike from town but where was she going to find a boat? She knew there was only one thing to do. She remembered that there were boats in Kabul which meant she had to go back to Kabul. She didn't want to cut her hair again so she biked back to go get her younger brother who was nine years old now so he would be good. Everyone was confused why she was back so soon.
  • -Parvana and off to Paris they whent
  • 3. When they got to the light it turned out it was an old street lamp. Then they saw a sign and it was telling them they made it to mazar! Nobody was there but that made sense since that town was attacked. “Maybe they went to a camp outside of mazar.” said Parvana so everybody started looking around the town and the truck driver said he saw a campfire in the distance so they ran over. Eventually they made it and Mother immediately saw father and ran to him and hugged him. For some reason Nooria hugged Parvana. Parvana was surprised at first but then she hugged her back.
  • 4. As Parvana looked around she saw that mother and the rest of the survivors had made a camp. As time passed the camp eventually moved back to the town and everything was back to normal. Except parvana could live as a girl freely and she could go to school and life was better than it was in Kabul. Sometimes the food would run out and they had to go hunting or they would go find seeds to plant fruits and vegetables but life was nice.Maryam grew up and she turned twelve. In this town everybody knew everyone so when it was someone's birthday then they would have a party. This happened a lot so they would usually do it at night and they would have a big feast of the thing that that person liked.
  • 5. She told them she needed to take Zaki. He was excited to go back to his hometown but then parvana told him that they had to steal a boat then Zaki put on his serious face and they got to Kabul. Parvana told Zaki where to get a boat and he went there but got stopped in his tracks. A tall man asked him what he was doing and he said “nothing?” The man stared at him and then gave Zaki some money and then asked “do you know how to ride a boat?” Zaki stared back at him with a look like “do i look like i know how to drive one?!” So the tall man took back the money then gave it to the boat keeper (I don't know what they're called) and so the man got in the boat with Zaki and asked “where are you going?” Zaki just said “I don't actually know… well i guess we could go get my sister she is waiting at the edge of town.” So they went to get-
  •  6. Once they made it to Paris Parvana went straight to the Eiffel tower and saw Shauzia waiting for her. She saw that Shauzia had kept her hair short. Turns out, after they talked for a while about how much all of them had grown (including Zaki), Shauzia had decided to stay a boy and they're name is now Shafique.
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