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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Oh no. It has been hours since this issue started. The RCA is not from my app, but I think I encountered the issue before and I think I know the solution.
  • Should I speak up and share what helped us? But I don't want to share something that is wrong, what do I do?
  • Hi John! Good you are here. I have a problem.Hello Krizzy! What is it?
  • You see this issue. It seems familiar and I think I know the solution, but I'm afraid to share my thoughts because I may be wrong.
  • You should not be concerned about being wrong. Any idea is a good idea. The more ideas we have for an issue, the quicker it is to resolve it bringing us back to Service Available.
  • See?! I told you. Ha Ha
  • Whoa. That is true!
  • Teams are normally afraid to brainstorm ideas during tech bridges because of concerns they are wrong. This is a wrong way of thinking. We, as an IT group, benefits on ideas. The more ideas we have and the more different those are, the better outcome we will have. Never be concerned of bringing a bad idea to the table. There is no such thing as a bad idea.
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