The Big Bang Part 2

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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The Big Bang Part 2
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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Gravity pulled gas into the center of the disc, causing the planets to be formed.
  • The spheres closest to the sun lost most of their gas and formed Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, while the spheres farther from the sun became gas giants called Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  • The idea of a Big Bang didn't catch on at first, but in the mid sixties two scientists made a great discovery.
  • In 1964 while Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias were working on an antenna, they heard a faint hiss. They removed all sources of other noises and identified it as being Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, which was evidence that supported the Big Bang Theory.
  • Bell Laboratories New Jersey
  • Can you hear that hiss, Arno?
  • Yes, Robert, I wonder what it could be?
  • They have even won the Nobel Prize award in Physics!
  • Wow, that's amazing! Thank you, Stephen.
  • No problem, Erika.
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