Angelic: Dr. Kruger

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Angelic: Dr. Kruger
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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31st comic. Princess rests at Dante's home while he searches for a spiritual scientist who can explain this shit to him. He locates a doctor named Nelson Kruger who loans him some books on the mythology of angels and the language of Enochian. Dante considers if the Dutch folklore and Princess are linked together, and considers taking her to Africa as a missionary to confirm what her angelic duty is.

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • She said exactly what I meant to say...
  • All it means is that you carry a message with you.
  • You really are... an angel in the flesh.
  • What does this mean?
  • I had to cancel that fishing trip for obvious reasons. I took Princess home and let her sleep for the night, while I stayed up and chose to investigate any specialists or spiritualists I knew who could help...
  • Dr. Kruger..? Seems like he's my best resource.
  • This would be pretty revolutionary if what you say is true, and an angel has taken human form.
  • Well I mean Jesus, who's the King of Angels, once became human.
  • The next day
  • For what reason should the boundary of Heaven and Hell be broken for such a person?
  • Something else is at work here. How is it that she has no knowledge of being an angel?
  • It's possible there's a doctrine within her she means to share.
  • She was dehumanized her entire life.
  • Tsk. Metaphysical projections and the dimensional planes of spirits...
  • I did a boat load of work the next few days researching from books Dr. Kruger gave me.
  • Mythology vs. Theosophy, Tongues, Enochian, these books were loaded..
  • Some regarding spiritual warfare, the silent battles between angels and demons.
  • =
  • I considered the possibility the Dutch folklore and Princess could be linked...
  • ?
  • So I figured, perhaps to be missionaries in Africa, where Princess can fulfill her life.
  • Princess's failure to achieve her angelic duties could have been due to Patrick Harpy and his men.
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