The boy with a Catapult

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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The boy with a Catapult
Storyboard That

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • The boy with a catapultby Bhisham Sahni
  • My father had been given a new job promotion and we moved into a large bungalow which lay in the outskirts of the city.
  • ME
  • What a nice bungalow.
  • You are right. It is a nice Bungalow.
  • Cooo-
  • I started in a new School. Our class had an odd assortment of boys but the oddest one of all was Bodh Raj who was utterly callous and took pleasure in hurting others.
  • Bodh Raj
  • Hmph...
  • Carmel School
  • Bodh Raj is very callous boy...
  • ME
  • After school, Bodh Raj visited our bungalow due to the many animals that lived there. He took the place as a good hunting ground
  • My mom did not approve of my friendship with Bodh Raj. However he was my only friend.
  • But Mom I don't have many friends coming by and I'll be lonely.
  • Alright... If Bodh Raj is so fond of destroying things then ask him to clean our storeroom. It is infested with pigeons.
  • I don't think it is wise to be friends with Bodh Raj.
  • Next day I took Bodh Raj to the storeroom and was worried what he will do about with the birds.
  • Nice storeroom you've got. I am excited to see all sorts of birds here.
  • Mom told only to clean the room.
  • Will he hurt the birds....
  • This is the best hunting ground in all my life.
  • Ok Mom... I will see about it.
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu