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last part of roles and responsibilities

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last part of roles and responsibilities
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Isprobajte besplatno!

Izradite vlastiti Storyboard

Isprobajte besplatno!

Storyboard Tekst

  • Sir, if you would allow me to explain why there was an altercation...
  • No! i do not tolerate violent or disrespectful actions. You are dismissed Miss Duncan.
  • Hewouldn't let me explain why i had pushed Mr Decker. Hedoesn'tknow that he was trying to take off my hijab.
  • That is an unfair dismissal, you were not at fault here. Our manager Mr. Decker is the person to blame.
  • Hey! remember you belong to a trade union i think you should contact our elected shop steward Mrs. Adams, she will definitely be able to assist you.
  • Good morning Mrs. Adams, i was told you would be able to assist me with a grievance in the workplace.
  • Of course, please inform me about what happened and we will handle it from there.
  • In this scene; Miss Duncan was informed by her boss that she is dismissed due to an altercation he believes that she initiated. Her boss did not give her time to explain.Workers are mistreated by employers as well as managers and this can cause workplace issues.
  • No, i am not taking off my hijab and neither are you. I have a right to wear what i wish and you have no right to say otherwise.
  • You can't here unless you take off your hijab, or i will take it off for you.
  • Hey!
  • In this scene; Miss Duncan's colleagues informs her that not only is she part of a trade union but that she should contact Mrs. Adams in order to get the matter sorted out.Trade unions are organisations that protect employees rights in the workplace and ensure fair treatment.
  • You have acted in a terrible manner in the workplace.
  • In this scene; Miss Duncan explains what has happened. Mrs. Adams then informs Miss Duncan that she will tend to the situation and she shall speak to her boss with regards to the situation and get back to her.
  • We are here today to address the serious issue of an unfair dismissal along with unfair treatment in the workplace and finally discrimination in the workplace.
  • Situations like this unfortunately do happen in the workplace. Discrimination towards another employees may go unnoticed by management. Shop stewards are there to handle these types of situations.
  • Thank you for informing me.
  • Managers do not always have the entire story and may occasionally overlook the situation and blame the wrong party.
  • Seems there are more than a few employees who are experiencing these issue with regards to unfair treatment in the workplace by fellow employees.
  • This is a misunderstanding.
  • The shop steward sets a meeting with the manager, the boss and both employees who had the altercation. The shop steward acts as a mediator between the people in the workplace.
  • We will keep track of who is reported for the unfair treatment and get back to you.
  • The shop steward although holds a status in the workplace still has to gain permission from their manager in order to leave their position to mediate an issue in the workplace.
  • I need to leave my position in order to deal with a situation.
  • The shop steward then goes to the employees who have been having issues in the work place.
  • The shop steward and the employees come to an agreement with regards to reporting any and all incidents that may fall under unfair treatment in the workplace.
  • Excellent.
  • We found that there is an employee in the technical department that has been reported for unfair treatment along with two other senior employees in the same department.
  • I will informing the union leadership about these issues and employees.
  • There have been reports filed against a few employees due to unfair treatment.
  • You need to set up a meeting to address this situation head on.
  • I have called for this meeting today because it has been brought to attention that there has been unfair treatment in the workplace towardsfellow employees.
  • The shop steward will now carry the information further on so it can be handled by the union leadership.
  • I need you to great the new employees.
  • A shop steward provides information to union leadership regarding new developments and issues within the collective bargaining unit and at the company.
  • A shop steward also organizes the meetings of the local collective bargaining unit. She is required to prepare the meeting agenda and conduct the meeting accordingly.
  • I will be assisting you in getting organizedin your departments.
  • The manager informs the shop steward that there will be new employees that will be joining this complany.
  • I do hope that i can encourage you all to either join a union or at the very least partake in the activities. The unions are there for your benefit.
  • A shop steward is often the first union representative that a new employee meets.
  • Hello and Welcome new recruits. I am your elected shop steward.
  • I would definitelylove to join a union, i understand they represent what us employees need and want.
  • The shop steward helps these new employees in getting organized in their new positions, as well as introduce them to fellow employees.
  • She is expected to recruit and welcome new union members. One of the steward's duties is to encourage employees to participate fully in union activities.
  • The new employees are very enthusiastic to join a union in the workplace.
  • Perfect, and yes the unions are there for the employees.
  • Theshop steward explains the relationship between the local collective bargaining unit and management and ensures the new employee understands applicable union policies.
  • I am having this meeting for you to inform you of any information you might need to know about the union and about what i can do for you as a shop steward.
  • This list of people is now your responsibility. You need to try and recruit them to the union.
  • Have you joined a Union for the workplace yet?
  • Neither have we.
  • No Ma'am i have not.
  • This contract this provide you with some relevant informationabout the unions.
  • The Local office will provide the shop steward with a list of non-members at the worksite. This may include new workers or people who have been around for a while and have not joined the Union.
  • I am here to answer any questions you can think of with regards to joining a union.
  • The shop steward finds a few employees who have not yet been made part of a union.
  • The shop steward ensures that the employees are given a copy of the contract providing information about the local unions.
  • Once the shop steward hands out the copies of the contract they will be available to answer any and all question related to the union or joining one.
  • It is the duty of the shop steward to find out what issues that the employees may have with joining the union, especially no-members.
  • Any questions any of you may have, please feel free to ask. I am here to enlighten you if need be.
  • The shop steward needs to ensure that the employees feel safe and can address any issues they may have or answer any questions they might have.
  • What exactly does the union do for us?
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