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Storyboard Tekst

  • Safety
  • Sadness
  • Lucas 1
  • the woman started to take care of her and paid her a visit for the first time at the gynecologist to find out how many months she is pregnant and to make sure that the baby is well, and in fact the baby was well but it was very weak because the mother didn’t eat well and she wasn’t taking the medicines and vitamins needed, she was 5 months pregnant. And it was a baby boy.The woman buys her medicines (not all of them because she too was poor) and takes care of her until the time of childbirth ...
  • Lucas 2
  • but neither the woman nor the girl had enough money for the birth in the hospital, so the girl gave birth at home, with the help of the woman and decided to name her son "Lucas". After a few days, after her health situation improved after giving birth, she decided to go to visit the children and the old man, but she didn’t find them, and the people who lived nearby told her that the old man died. and social services took the children to an orphanage. The girl remains terrible for both the old man and the children who saved her life ...
  • New start
  • and the years go by and the woman who helped her dies, and she gave her house to the girl since she has no children and considered it as her daughter, and Lucas grows up, and starts going to school, and the girl works in the canteen of her son's school, but everyone made fun of Lucas for his clothes with holes , and why he didn't even have the money to buy candy in the interval, and also because his mother was a janitor in the school, but his mother always encouraged him and always gave him all the love she could give ... Lucas was not doing well in school and was always distracted, but one day, his maths teacher asks him to go to the blackboard to solve a problem and he fails, so he teases him saying "and what did I expect from the janitor's son" and everyone started laughing, that moment was a point of change for Lucas , he started studying and became the best in the class, and he won many awards. At 14 everyone was in a relationship and fell in love except him, ”who wants to stay with this poor dirty boy? "The others said, even if he was a beautiful boy,
  • Surprise
  • one day, when Flora arrived, a new student, very beautiful and nice and all the boys had crush on her, except Lucas of course, because he knew that there is no chance that she falls in love with him. One day while the boys were making fun of Lucas as always, Flora defends him and throws them away, and from that point an extraordinary friendship is born between the two, which then becomes a Love ... But this love doesn't last too long because the year was about to end and everyone will go to different schools; she will go to a private high school in another state, outside Chicago, instead he doesn’t have that chance, Flora tried to convince her parents in every way to let her go to a normal high school to follow her love , but they didn’t accept. And on the last day of school, Lucas spends all of his "few" money he had consumed and goes to buy a cheap bracelet for Flora and asks her to wear it all the time ... but neither of them declares his love .
  • [04:00, 17/05/2021] SäRÃ: Years passed and Lucas became a very wealthy business man and moved to New York with his mother. His father, after he recognizes his son and discovers that he has become very rich, asks him to forgive him and asks his mother to get back together but the two refuse to have relations with him and live a happy and peaceful life. however Lucas's mother becomes seriously ill and goes to the hospital where they discover that she has pancreatic cancer in a very serious level and that the chance of saving her life is very low .. Lucas meets the doctor who takes care of her, a beautiful woman, who however feels he has seen her before, and therefore asks her to go on an appointment, and she accepts, and in the appointment when she gives him her hand to greet him , he sees the bracelet he had given to his friend Flora 15 years ago .. and he asks her where she got it and she answers that a friend gave it to her 15 years ago, and so he recognizes her, they hug and finally tells her that he loves her and she also says that she loves him , but the mother's situation gets worse, Lucas asks to donate her his pancreas but her blood is not the same as him so he can't, and his mother's situation gets worse and the doctors tell him that she has only 3 days to live, so Lucas decides to make her pass them as best he can, and so he buys her lots of gifts and introduces her to Flora, and somehow thanks to his power he manages to bring her the children from the orphanage who had helped her, she was very happy to see them again. Lucas decides to take care of them, and to send them to private schools and to buy them big houses (since no one has adopted them, and they have reached the age of 18 and the orphanage have thrown them out of the).
  • And yet on his mother's last day, the doctors tell him that there is a person who has the same blood as his mother and who agrees to donate her his pancreas. the operation happens successfully and the mother is saved, and Lucas asks to see that person to thank him, but he is surprised because it is his father, he asks Lucas to tell him only once "dad" and he agrees , and the father dies on the same day, and leaves him a letter in which it says "Dear Lucas, my son, I know you hate me, I also hate myself for everything I've done to you and to your mother, but I regretted a bang, I know you can't forgive what I've done but know that I i love, the first time i saw you, when i came to your house, i will not lie, i came for the money, but as soon as i saw you i felt a strange thing ... this morning when you told me dad, thank you very much , it was the last thing I wanted from this life, I really thank you, I hope your mother’s health gets better , tell her to forgive me too, I hope that I managed to improve things a little by offering your mother a new life, so you two will live peacefully, I love you, I know you don't believe it but yes Lucas, I am writing this letter because I know that I don't have much time in this life, and I hope you forgive me, your father. " , Lucas finished reading and put the letter in his pocket after he dried his tears. After a year ... Lucas's mother died (a natural death) and Lucas married Flora and had 2 children a girl named Sally as her mother and a son named Noah as her father, and they lived a peaceful and happy life. End .
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