Tornyok eső Telek DIagramma

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Tornyok eső Telek DIagramma
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Tornyok Leomlása – Jewell Parker Rhodes

Tornák esése Jewell Parker Rhodes által

Írta: Lauren Ayube

A tíz éves Deja egy új iskolában kezdi az ötödik osztályt. Nehézek a dolgok otthon: Pop mindig beteg és szomorú, anya mindig dolgozik, Deja pedig mindig az öccsére és a húgára vigyáz, amíg Pop alszik. Az új iskolája más, mint bárhol máshol, ahol Deja járt, és a közelmúlt történelem oktatása, amelyet Deja kap, örökre megváltoztatja életét, valamint barátai és családja életét.

Leomló Tornyok

Storyboard Leírás

Kérje meg a tanulókat, hogy készítsenek vizuális cselekményösszefoglalót a Jewell Parker Rhodes Towers Falling című művéhez

Storyboard Szöveg

  • This year marks the 15th anniversary of September 11th.
  • September 11th, 2001
  • What happened??
  • Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes
  • Deja and her family recently moved into a homeless shelter. It's a new school year at Deja's new school in Brooklyn, and her teacher tells the class that they will be learning about September 11th, 2001. Deja has no idea what happened that day. Everything changes when she finds out.
  • Pop, you are a hero. You are MY hero.
  • Deja and Ben watch a video of the attack on the Twin Towers. Deja cannot believe that she had no idea about any of it, and she decides to go through Pop's suitcase that he takes with him everywhere. The contents suggest that Deja's father experienced 9/11 first hand.
  • History impacts all of us.
  • Deja and Ben skip school and take the subway to Manhattan. They visit the September 11th Memorial and Deja meets people who are grieving the loss of their loved ones memorialized at the site.
  • When Deja gets home, her father is worried but not mad. He tells Deja about everything about his 9/11 experience. He tells her about his guilt and the physical and emotional toll that the day has taken on him. Deja tells Pop that he is a hero. He is her hero.
  • Deja and her family begin to form a more open and honest bond. They will be moving out of the shelter and into subsidized housing. Deja's eyes have opened to the importance and relevance of history and how it impacts all people in one way or another.
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