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Personaje Pește Într-un Copac

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Personaje Pește Într-un Copac
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Storyboard Descrizione

Puneți-i pe elevi să creeze o hartă a personajelor pentru a urmări creșterea și trăsăturile de caracter pentru Peștele într-un copac de Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Testo Storyboard

  • ALLY
  • Physical/Character TraitsIn sixth gradeQuietStrong-willedHas dyslexia How does this character change over time?At the beginning of the story, Ally constantly gets into trouble and has very low self-esteem. Over time, with the help of Mr. Daniels, Ally learns why she has trouble learning and wants to succeed. What challenges does this character face?Ally has trouble learning and acts out because of it. She also struggles with her self-esteem and being the target of the class bully.
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character change over time? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical/Character Traits: Cum acest personaj interacționează cu personajul principal? Ce provocari face acest chip personaj?
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • SHAY
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
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