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BtS Vairāki Intelekti

Skatīt Nodarbību Plānu
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BtS Vairāki Intelekti
Storyboard That

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!
Jūs varat atrast šo montāžas šādās rakstiem un resursi:
Klasē studenti sēž pie galdiem ar atvērtiem klēpjdatoriem. Viņu skolotājam Storyboard That  projicēts uz tāfeles.

Iepazīstiet to ar Storyboard That

Šīs aktivitātes ļaus jums un studentiem izveidot stāstu plānus, kas kalpo diviem mērķiem: iepazīstināt studentus ar programmu un iepazīt savus jaunos studentus un atklāt viņu mērķus, centienus, patīk un nepatīk jautrā, vizuālā vidē. .


Iepazīstiet to ar Storyboard That

Montāžas Teksta

  • miesas kinestētiskais
  • starppersonu
  • I feel so alone!
  • I'm here for you!
  • Self Smart!
  • Visual Spatial means you have a deep understanding of the spatial or 3D world. You can think visually, picturing things in your mind. I love to paint. I find that when I can picture something visually, I can better understand and remember it. That's one reason why I enjoy using StoryboardThat so much!
  • Picture Smart!
  • Miesas Kinestētiskais nozīmē "ķermenis smart" vai spēju koordinēt savu prātu un ķermeni kopā. Man patīk spēlēt basketbolu, un es uzskatu, ka tas man palīdz palielināt ķermeņa kinestētisko inteliģenci. Tas prasa ātrumu, izturību un veiklību. Man jābūt intuitīvam attiecībā uz to, kur es pārvietojos un kad jāšauj. Man patīk spēlēt kopā ar draugiem pēc skolas!
  • Body Smart!
  • Interpersonal means "people smart" or being empathetic to other people's feelings and situations. I try to grow my interpersonal intelligence through being a good friend and classmate. I am a good listener and like to help others with their problems.
  • People Smart!
  • One dark and stormy night . . .
  • Intrapersonal intelligence means that you are self smart and have a strong understanding of your yourself and "know who you are". You know what helps make you happy or calms you when you are angry or stressed. When I feel anxious, I love to sit quietly in my room and read a book with my cat, Sparky.
  • Music Smart!
  • Nature Smart!
  • Logic Smart!
  • Welcome Students!Today's Lesson:Algebraic Expressions
  • Go Wildcats!
  • Verbal Linguistic means "word smart" or someone who is able to express themselves well verbally or with the written world. It is important to find the right words to express what you mean to be a good communicator. I work on this skill by practicing writing, listening to others, and reading.
  • Word Smart!
  • Musical intelligence relates to understanding and discerning different patterns rhythms and sounds. You can enhance your musical intelligence by listening to music, singing, and playing an instrument. I have been taking trumpet lessons since the 4th grade and I love playing in the school band!
  • Naturalistic intelligence is also known as "nature smart", meaning that you understand and have an appreciation for living things and the environment. I love to go on walks in the woods to immerse myself in the natural world and gain a better understanding its beauty!
  • Logical/Mathematical means "logic smart" or using reasoning and logical thinking. This skill focuses on the ability to quantify things, make hypotheses, and test them out. I practice this skill in math and in science. I can also practice it when I'm problem solving throughout my daily life!
  • 24x2+25x−47 = (−8x−3)(ax−2)−53
  • Name Date
  • Sofia
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