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Wonder Digitālās Darblapas Diagrammas Piemērs

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Wonder Digitālās Darblapas Diagrammas Piemērs
Storyboard That

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Skolēna skats uz digitālo darblapu

Digitālās Darblapas

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Tāpat kā tradicionālās darblapas palīdz skolēniem praktizēt un internalizēt jaunas prasmes, digitālās darblapas ļauj skolēniem izpētīt dažādus jēdzienus tādā veidā, kas piesaista viņu mīlestību pret tehnoloģijām, vienlaikus samazinot papīra un skolotāju sagatavošanas darbu.

Digitālās Darblapas

Montāžas Teksta

  • Auggie Pullman was born with physical abnormalities that have kept him home-schooled until he turned 12. Mrs. Pullman believes it is time for him to start going to a public school with other children. Auggie is cruelly bullied by a boy named Julian who makes his life at school miserable. Despite the bullying, Auggie does make two good friends, Jack and Summer. However, Jack betrayed Auggie with the bullies leaving Auggie deeply hurt. Finally the two boys make up. Auggie's classmates stick up for him when he is assaulted by older kids while in the woods on the class trip. RESOLUTION Principal, Mr. Tushman, congratulates Auggie to the sounds of a standing ovation at the end of the year. Auggie says everyone should get a standing ovation at least once in their lifetime.
  • Directions: Use words and pictures to describe the narrative arc of the story!
  • Name: Annabelle Student Date: January 24th Book: Wonder by R.J. Palacio
  • After the attack, Auggie and his friends return to school as heroes and Julian is left without any friends for his cruelty and even transfers to a different school.
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