Persona Characteristics

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Persona Characteristics
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Bruk Personas i Business

Hvordan Opprette Bruker Peronas

Av Marissa Martinez

Personer er visuelle historier som beskriver faktiske kunder. Personer tegner et detaljert bilde av brukeren, hva de vil oppnå, hvilken kunnskap eller ferdigheter de kanskje eller ikke har, og hvorfor visse ting kan være viktigere for dem. Produktene eller tjenestene du designer prøver å løse disse kundeproblemer. Personas hjelper lagets fokus på brukersentrert design.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

A persona defines the person, what they care about, and how they are likely to interact with your product or service.

Storyboard Tekst

  • Who Are They?
  • [name], [age], [role or title], [occupation] etc.
  • How does the problem you want to solve relate to them?
  • [name] wants to _____ , but not _____ because _____.
  • What is their technical skill level or subject matter expertise?
  • [name] knows [technology] and [subject matter].
  • Give them a name, age, gender, occupation or role, and any other appropriate demographics
  • [add a person]
  • [add associated, illustrative image]
  • What do they care about? How do they currently solve this problem?
  • [add associated, illustrative image]
  • Will they need a point and click interface or will they be configuring and programming?
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