Ella Enchanted Sammendrag

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Ella Enchanted av Gail Carson Levine

Ella Enchanted av Gail Carson Levine

Av Lauren Ayube

Ella ble født inn i en velstående familie i landet Frell. Som alle nyfødte babyer gjør, fikk hun en spesiell gave fra feen Lucinda: lydighetsgaven. Uansett hva, skulle Ella adlyde hver befaling som ble gitt henne, og hun måtte ikke fortelle noen om gaven sin. Etter hvert som Ella blir eldre, innser hun at dette ikke helt er gaven det var ment å være: det var en forbannelse.

Ella Fortryllet

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Storyboard Tekst

  • ELLA ENCHANTEDby Gail Carson Levine
  • She's just perfect!
  • You have to give me the ripest berries.
  • Ella Enchanted is set in the land of Frell, and is a story of a young girl's struggle to break the curse that was bestowed upon her when she was just a baby. It is a tale of courage, strength, and love.
  • Baby Ella was born into a wealthy family in the land of Frell. As all newborn babies do, she received a special gift from the fairy Lucinda: the gift of obedience. No matter what, Ella was to obey every command that was given to her, and she mustn’t tell anyone about her gift. As Ella gets older, she realizes that this isn’t quite the gift that it was intended to be: it was a curse.
  • No, no, I won't marry you!
  • Say you'll marry me, Ella.
  • When Ella’s mother dies, she is forced to go to finishing school with Hattie and Olive, and returns home after running away to attend a giant’s wedding, hoping to find Lucinda to reverse the curse. Her father marries Dame Olga and then leaves indefinitely. Dame Olga makes Ella a maid.
  • Ella attends Char’s three homecoming balls, disguised with a mask. Hattie rips off the mask and Ella runs, losing her glass slipper. She and Mandy prepare to run away.
  • Char arrives at Ella’s home and proposes to her. Ella says no, knowing that her curse would become a burden and a danger to Char. Because she refused the proposal, it is clear that Ella’s curse is broken.
  • Ella and Char get married and Mandy lives with them as their cook. They live happily ever after.
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