Hvor den Røde Bregnen Vokser Figurativt Språk

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Hvor den Røde Bregnen Vokser Figurativt Språk
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Where the Red Fern Grows av Wilson Rawls

Where the Red Fern Grows av Wilson Rawls

Av Lauren Ayube

Young Billy har alltid drømt om å ha hund. Ikke en hvilken som helst hund, og ikke bare en hund. Billy drømmer om å ha to raccoon hounds og heve dem for å jakte. Billy jobber og jobber for å spare penger for å kjøpe seg disse hundene, og aner ikke den virkelige verdien de vil bringe til livet hans.

Hvor den Røde Bregnen Vokser

Storyboard Beskrivelse

Studentene kan illustrere eksempler på figurativt språk i Where the Red Fern Grows av Wilson Rawls og deres betydning.

Storyboard Tekst

  • Look at him! He's not from around here!
  • I wonder why the trap isn't working...
  • Maybe you left too much scent around when you made the traps.
  • Come on, give the kid a break! Just fall!
  • No.
  • Page 44: "My face was as red as a fox's tail." This means that the Billy's face was red with anger when the townspeople made fun of him.
  • Page 68: He put his thinking cap on and thought over the situation."The term "thinking cap" is used when someone is concentrating really hard on something.
  • Page 109: "The wind itself seemed to be angry at the big tree's stubborn resistance."This is when Billy was trying to cut down the very large tree and it wouldn't budge. It seemed even the wind was trying to help him, but the tree wouldn't fall.
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