The Scarlet Ibis TWIST

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The Scarlet Ibis TWIST
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TWIST Akronym for Litterær Analyse

TWIST Grafisk Organizer

Leksjonsplaner av Rebecca Ray

Med TWIST-metoden blir elevene bedt om å se etter og analysere følgende begreper: tone, ordvalg, bilder og detaljer, stil og tema. Lær mer om hvordan du gjør prosaanalyse morsom og engasjerende med storyboards!

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

The Scarlet Ibis TWIST Graphic Organizers - Literary Elements and Analysis

Storyboard Tekst

  • T - Tone
  • W - Word choice
  • I - Imagery
  • S - Style
  • T - Theme
  • Grief : Memories of those who have died; perhaps a child.
  • Dead, not born, bleeding, strained, rotting, brown, ironweeds, rank, untenanted, empty cradle, graveyard, drifted, dead.
  • “…the oriole nest in the elm was untenanted and rocked back and forth like an empty cradle.” This image of an empty nest suggests a missing child.
  • The author is using foreshadowing in the following lines: “summer was dead, but autumn was not yet born”; “…last graveyard flowers were blooming”; “speaking softly the names of our dead”.
  • The narrator speaks in a past tense tone using words and imagery that sound like the theme could be the passing or memory of a loved one.
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