Camera Arrows

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Camera Arrows
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Camera Shots, Kamera Motions og Object Motion

Av Sarah Laroche

Når du lager et storyboard for film, er det viktig at bildene gjenspeiler skriptet. Bevegelse er sentral for disse bildene: bevegelsene til tegnene og objektene innenfor scenen, samt bevegelsen av kameraet som observerer det. I stedet for å legge ned beskrivelsesboksen med kjedelige detaljer om hver handling, la bildet kommunisere bevegelsen til en scene. Piler er en enkel og gjenkjennelig måte å vise bevegelse eller progresjon på.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Camera Arrows for Camera Shots in a storyboard

Storyboard Tekst

  • Arrows on the top and bottom of the cell pointing right indicate that the camera should move horizontally to the right.
  • Arrows on the top and bottom of the cell pointing left indicate that the camera should move horizontally to the left.
  • Four inward pointing arrows signal for the camera to zoom in. Encompasing the whole scene illustrates zooming into the center. *The four arrows can be placed in any part of the scene to suggestion zoom on a particular area*
  • Four outward pointing arrows signal for the camera to zoom out.
  • Curved arrows on the side pointing up instruct the camera to be tilted upward in angle.
  • Curved arrows on the side pointing down instruct the camera to be tilted downward in angle.
  • Depending upon the direction of the area this symbol denotes which way the camera should rotate
  • Camera motions typically fall near the edge of the cell while object motion symbols are inside and near a specific object.
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