Finished Storyboard Example

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Finished Storyboard Example
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Av Sarah Laroche

Lær om grunnleggende om storyboards og hvordan de er nyttige når du lager filmer og andre medier. Introduksjon til Storyboarding for film, video og animasjon ser på den overordnede prosessen med å snu en ide inn i en ferdig storyboard.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Movie Maker Matt's Storyboard Example

Storyboard Tekst

  • Scene 1, Shot 1
  • A cat lies on a bed in the corner of a near-empty bedroom. NARRATOR One may think the life of a cat is boring.
  • Scene 2, Shot 1
  • Purr
  • Purr
  • Purr
  • Scene 1, Shot 2
  • The same cat is eating food from a bowl in a kitchen. NARRATOR A life of easy living, populated with naps, food, and an occasional trip to the litter box.
  • Scene 2, Shot 2
  • Scene 1, Shot 3
  • Cat face shot against country background. Slow zoom on cat's face to focus on eyes, then fade to black. NARRATOR But the story of Fletcher, a country cat gone city, is different from the usual tale.
  • Scene 2, Shot 3
  • City street with car "moving" supplies. NARRATOR Fletcher was a two year old cat when his family decided to move to the big city.
  • Family runs around during the move, cat turns to watch the humans walk by. NARRATOR Fletcher was confused by the boxes and his humans' frantic moving about.
  • The cat is curled up in an empty closet. NARRATOR Seeking refuge from the hectic atmosphere in the household, Fletcher finds himself a nice spot in the upstairs closet.
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