Dante's Inferno - Recognizing Allegory

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Dante's Inferno - Recognizing Allegory
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Planos de Aula de Anna Warfield

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Storyboard Descrição

Dante's Inferno Allegory examples and definition - Have students illustrate Allegory in Dante's Inferno with this student activity!

Texto do Storyboard

  • The mistakes that lead Dante and every person into a bad choice, or a bad situation in life.
  • Dante's INFERNO
  • Represents Heaven and the pinnacle for the spirit’s journey; this is where God is, and the Mountain is the spiritual journey to reach Him.
  • These three beasts represent worldly sins that have blocked Dante on his path of a righteous life: malice, fraud, violence, ambition, and lack of carnal self-restraint (incontinence).
  • HELL
  • Hell is an allegory for Sin and its consequences. For Dante, it is the understanding that sin begets suffering, and if he continues on his path of Worldliness, his eternal separation from God will be inevitable.
  • Image Attributions:Holy Cross at Sunrise (https://www.flickr.com/photos/smemon/5781615723/) - Sean MacEntee - License: Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)

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