Crucible Conflict Example

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Crucible Conflict Example
Storyboard That

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Părți ale Unei Povești Planuri de Lecție

Creșterea Student de Retenție, Entuziasm, și de Încredere

Planuri de Lecție de Kristy Littlehale

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Storyboard Text

  • MAN vs MAN
  • She's lying!!!!
  • MAN vs SELF
  • I, John Proctor, do admit my part in the witchcraft in this town. I sent my spirit out to harass other people and I probably danced with the Devil, too. I am sorry. Please don't kill me.
  • Sincerely,John Proctor
  • Abigail accuses Elizabeth of being a witch because she wants her out of the picture so she can be with John Proctor instead.
  • John Proctor has to convince the court that Abigail is lying to get rid of Elizabeth. He needs to convince the town that the girls are creating mass hysteria that isn't true.
  • John Proctor can't live with himself if he signs his name in order to save his own life.
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