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Длинный Путь Вниз Образный Язык

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Длинный Путь Вниз Образный Язык
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Краткий Обзор и Мероприятия Long Way Down

Долгий путь вниз , Джейсон Рейнольдс

Планы Уроков Лиан Хикс

«Долгий путь вниз» — это высоко оцененный роман для молодежи, остроумно написанный ярким свободным стихом. Это мощная история о молодом человеке по имени Уилл Холломан, который столкнулся с решением, которое изменило его жизнь. Привлекайте учащихся готовыми заданиями Storyboard That!

Длинный Путь Вниз

Описание Раскадровки

Попросите учащихся определить различные примеры образного языка в книге Джейсона Рейнольдса «Долгий путь».

Текст Раскадровки

  • Shawn was zipped into a bag and rolled away, his blood added to the pavement galaxy of bubblegum stars. The tape framed it like it was art. And the next day, kids would play mummy with it.
  • "My mother used to say, I know you're young, gotta get it out, but just remember, when you're walking in the nighttime, make sure the nighttime ain't walking into you.”
  • "And my mom moaning low…hanging over my brother's body like a dimmed light post."
  • Reynolds weaves every day objects and scenes into the tragic events of Shawn's death. These innocent elements like bubblegum on the sidewalk and children using the caution tape as a plaything lend a sense of the ordinary to the horrific and shocking circumstances of a shooting. The similes suggest that while tragic, shootings are something with which the neighborhood has sadly become all too familiar.
  • The author uses "the nighttime" often to describe the ways in which some of the characters turn towards dangerous and destructive behavior such as selling drugs, owning guns, joining gangs, seeking revenge. Will's mother warned Shawn about getting caught up in that world. In her quote, "the nighttime" is used like a person - "walking into you".
  • Reynolds uses a variety of similes to create visceral imagery of each moment. He describes the shattering grief felt by Will's mother as she holds her oldest son, Shawn, after he has been shot, saying that she was hanging over his body "like a dimmed light post."
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