Five Forces Template

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Five Forces Template
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Pet sil

Kaj so Porterove pet sil Konkurence?

Avtor Nathanael Okhuysen

Industrijska organizacija je področje študija, ki proučuje razlike med "popolne" konkurence med podjetji najdemo v ekonomskih učbenikih, in "nepopolno" konkurence na voljo v realnem svetu. Eno orodje izhaja iz polja, je "pet sil" analiza Michael Porter, že od samega začetka svoje semenske knjige, konkurenčne strategije. Porter razvil analizo pet sil kot strožji variacije pogosto uporablja SWOT analize. Okvir se osredotoča na raven konkurence v industriji oceniti strateški položaj podjetja. V nasprotju z analizo SWOT, pet sil raziskava poslovnega okolja, ne pa obravnavanje samo določeno podjetje. Skupaj z analizo PEST, da koplje globlje v priložnosti in nevarnosti v SWOT.

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Snemalna Knjiga Opis

Five Forces Template - Porter's Five Forces framework.

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • New Entrants
  • [Illustrate factors that raise or lower barriers to entry into your industry. Alternately, depict a prospective entrant who is likely to enter the industry.]
  • Rivalry
  • [Depict the most important factor(s) impacting rivalry in your industry.]
  • Subsitution
  • [If you are concerned about a specific substitute, depict it here. Otherwise, illustrate or represent the most salient factor(s) listed below.]
  • • What factors make entry into your industry more or less likely? • List some here
  • • What factors promote or constrain rivalry in your industry? • List them here
  • • What product(s) could replace yours? • What factors make this more or less likely? • List some potential substitutes or the factors impacting a specific substitute
  • Buyers
  • [If a particular buyer (or small group of buyers) exert a lot of power in your industry, depict them here. Otherwise, illustrate or represent the most salient factor(s) listed below.]
  • Five Forces Analysis
  • Sellers
  • [If a particular seller (or small group of sellers) exert a lot of power in your industry, depict them here. Otherwise, illustrate or represent the most salient factor(s) listed below.]
  • • What factors increase or decrease the power of those who buy from your industry? • Is a particular buyer very powerful? • List some here
  • • What factors increase or decrease the power of those who sell to your industry? • Is a particular seller very powerful? • List some here
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