On the Beach: Adjectives & Vocabulary

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On the Beach: Adjectives & Vocabulary
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Hvorfor du Skal Bruge Storyboard That til at Undervise i ENL

Af Jessica Miller

Storyboard That er software, der nemt giver alle mulighed for at lave storyboards eller tegneserier. Det er et fremragende pædagogisk værktøj, uanset om du underviser i kunst, historie eller sprog. Det er en interaktiv, sjov og visuel måde at lære eleverne grammatiske begreber, ordforråd, læsning og forståelse og meget mere!

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Teach ESL students new vocabulary words based around the beach, as well as adjectives, with comics!

Storyboard Tekst

  • This is a beautiful beach. The waves are so big!
  • Look at this palm tree! It is very tall.
  • There are two palm trees on this island! It is really hot here.
  • I like these big, brown rocks. They are huge!
  • Look! The sunset is so pretty!
  • It is night now. The moon is bright. The stars are shiny.
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