The American Civil War

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The American Civil War
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Brainstorming-Tools: Grafische Organisatoren

von Natasha Lupiani

Brainstorming ist eine großartige Technik, um ein Problem zu lösen, neue Ideen zu entwickeln oder Informationen durch Diskussionen zu sammeln. Verwenden Sie Storyboard That Grafikorganisatoren, um Ihren Schülern auf viele verschiedene Arten beim Brainstorming zu helfen!

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Storyboard Beschreibung

The American Civil War 5 Ws and H | Study the American Civil War with graphic organizers!


  • WHO
  • The North vs The South (The Union vs The Confederacy)
  • WHAT
  • Had a War
  • Across the country! Most battles were in Virginia and Tennessee
  • WHEN
  • 1861-1865
  • WHY
  • Individual States were fighting for their rights, including slavery.
  • HOW
  • The war started when the Confederacy attacked Ft Sumter. Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation and continued the battles, until all states in the Confederacy surrendered.
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