Wedding Dance Plot Diagram

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Wedding Dance Plot Diagram
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Unterrichtspläne von Anna Warfield

Gute Trauer! Können Sie glauben, es ist BTS Zeit schon? Der Sommer fliegt immer vorbei, aber keine Sorge: Das Team von Lehrern im Storyboard That hat mit einigen großartigen Ideen zu kommen, um Storyboarding mit Ihren Schülern gleich zu bekommen.

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Storyboard Beschreibung

The Wedding Dance Summary - The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio


  • The setting is a mountain village in the Philippines, where Awiyao has just been remarried.
  • Awiyao has left his wife Lumnay because she couldn’t give him a child. He has now married Madulimay in hopes to have a son and. Lumnay is upset because she loves Awiyao and doesn’t want this separation. ​
  • Outside the villagers are dancing in celebration of the wedding. Awiyao leaves to try and comfort Lumnay. He offers her many items of the life that they built together. Lumnay refuses them and repeatedly attempts to sway ​Awiyao to stay.
  • Awiyao finally leaves to re-join the wedding and Lumnay runs into the hills. ​
  • Lumnay sits on the side of the mountain overlooking the blazing fire and dancing women, thinking about how her life has changed. She has a sense of desperation, isolation, and worthlessness.
  • The reader is left not knowing what will become of Lumnay.
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