Widget 5 Whys

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Widget 5 Whys
Storyboard That

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Proovige seda tasuta!
Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
5 Miks Ettevõtluses

Mis on 5 Whys

Autor Nathanael Okhuysen

Kui midagi läheb valesti, eriti suur organisatsioon, ei saa olla instinkt näpuga ja vahetustega süüdistada. See ilmselt ei ole parim viis vältida probleemi ilmnemist tulevikus küll. Sakichi Toyoda asutaja Toyota Motor Company, arendas "5 Whys" protsess, tüüp algpõhjuse analüüs, et teha kindlaks ja lahendada probleemid, mis tekkisid ettevõtte siseselt. Sellest ajast alates on laialdaselt osana lahjad tootmine, Kaizen, ja Six Sigma metoodika.

Vaadake mõnda muud meie äriartiklit!

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Root Cause Analysis - 5 whys - Five Whys - Genchi Genbutsu philosophy

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Widgeter Mk. II
  • Gary has noticed the widgets coming through his station are defective.
  • Gary reports the problem to his boss, and they decide to perform a quick "5 Whys" analysis, along with a couple of Gary's co-workers.
  • The team articulates the problem and builds a linked chain of causation back to the root cause: the secondary widget punchers aren't being cleaned enough.
  • The team uses Storyboard That to map out a new protocol for widget puncher maintenance that is easy to understand and follow.
  • Gary's boss uses the storyboard as part of her report to upper management, reassuring them that the source of the defects has been eliminated.
  • There are no more defective widgets! The manufacturing process has been improved, and everyone is ready to get back to making the product.
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