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Tervetuloa Nowhere Finish the Story -sivustolle

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Tervetuloa Nowhere Finish the Story -sivustolle
Storyboard That

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Tervetuloa Nowhereen

Tervetuloa Nowhereen Kirjoittanut Elizabeth Laird

Welcome to Nowhere on tarina 12-vuotiaasta Omar Hamidista ja hänen perheestään heidän navigoiessaan Syyrian sisällissodassa. Sitouta ja kouluta opiskelijoita valmiiden Storyboard That -toimintojen avulla!

Tervetuloa Nowhereen

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Musa
  • Eman
  • Omar
  • Musa would grow up to have a political career. He would have the highest education among his siblings and he would be a part of protests and rallies of the causes he supported. He would also work towards forming a better government in Syria.
  • Eman would grow up to become a teacher since she would not have to face the pressure of marriage. Her mother and her siblings would support her to have a career as a teacher. She would also encourage young girls to follow their ambitions and dreams.
  • After acquiring a basic education, Omar would grow up to own a successful business. He would sell a variety of goods and would support his family financially. He would tell stories of his journey to curious customers and occasionally donate to NGOs that help his country and its people.
  • Where Are They Now?
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu