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Personal Examples of Wellness

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Personal Examples of Wellness
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Domaines de Bien-être - Exemple Physique

Zones de Bien-être

Plans de Cours par Patrick Healey

Bien que la santé physique soit importante, il y a quatre autres aspects vitaux à considérer : social, spirituel, intellectuel et émotionnel. Tout cela relève du terme générique de "bien-être". Aborder cette unité avec délicatesse, sensibilité et professionnalisme est important, et Storyboard That peut vous aider.


Zones de Bien-être

Storyboard Description

Have students create personal examples of wellness in their lives.

Texte du Storyboard

  • Physical
  • Definition of Wellness Aspects
  • Physical wellness is the ability to exercise, avoid sickness or illness, and accomplish tasks.
  • Visuals
  • I'm going to block this kick!
  • Emotional
  • Emotional wellness is the ability to experience, process, and balance internal feelings and stress.
  • We played tough. We'll get them next time man.
  • I can't believe we lost. 
  • Intellectual
  • Intellectual wellness is the ability to reach a desired level of intelligence, show creativity, or perform mentally stimulating tasks.
  • Tough loss boys. Every loss is a lesson. What could we have done differently?
  • Spiritual
  • Spiritual wellness is the ability to recognize a meaningful purpose and direction in life.
  • I can't believe we lost. 
  • Good thinking. Let's try to run it tomorrow during practice.
  • I think a 4 - 4 - 2 defense would have allowed for less goals scored on us.
  • Social wellness is the ability to build and maintain positive interpersonal relations.
  • The most important lessons are learned through mistakes. Even the best teams lose sometimes.
  • Good game.
  • Thanks, You guys played hard.
  • Social
  • CLAP
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