Consequences of Poor vs. Positive Self Esteem

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for Self Esteem

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Activity Overview

Our self esteem develops as we grow and changes as we get older and we take on new roles. Self esteem also affects our relationships with others. Positive or high self esteem (if we like who we are) will make us value ourselves and others. Negative or low self esteem (if we don’t like ourselves) will make us withdrawn, and we may treat ourselves and others poorly. In this activity, students will illustrate the effects of positive and negative self esteem on decisions they may make. Students will be asked to understand how self esteem impacts the outcomes of their decisions.

At a young age, our self esteem may impact our decisions. If we value and believe in ourselves, we will be more likely to take risks and be more outgoing. Life is all about going out on a limb while weighing the consequences over the rewards. If we lack the confidence to take on the risk, we may never challenge ourselves or others. Staying stagnant isn’t what we want our youth doing. Have students create a storyboard where they are faced with a decision and how self esteem may impact the outcome.

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Template and Class Instructions

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Student Instructions

Show the impact of self esteem by creating a comparison storyboard.

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Label the left column, Low Self Esteem, and the label the right column, High Self Esteem.
  3. Label each row with common decisions students face throughout their school year.
  4. In the cells in the left-hand column, depict an outcome of the decision when someone has low self esteem.
  5. In the cells in the right-hand column, depict an outcome of the same decision when someone has high self esteem

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More Storyboard That Activities

Self Esteem

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