Things I Love...

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for Valentine's Day Activities

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Activity Overview

The people and things that we love tell a great deal about ourselves. This activity is a chance for students to reflect on themselves and their likes, but also on the most important things to them. While many students will certainly choose family or favorite things, as I did, students will undoubtedly come to recognize people or things that have immense personal value. This is a beneficial brainstorming activity to solicit ideas for personal narratives, authority/expert writing, poetry topics, and more!

A spider map template works very well with this activity because there is less emphasis on ordering than there is in a list. The Frayer Model template works similarly well, but you are limited to exactly four items.

What does my storyboard tell you (or your students) about me? What new things did your students learn about each other after this activity? Let me know on Twitter! @AnnaMYWarfield

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Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Write what you like in the headings.
  3. Create an illustration for each, using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
  4. Save and Exit

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More Storyboard That Activities

Valentine's Day Activities

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