Motif in Literature: Definition and Examples

Motif Definition: a recurring or prominent idea, image, symbol, character, or situation throughout a work that points to a larger theme or message


Motifs are repeating symbols, colors, patterns, speech, character actions, images, or situations that occur more than once throughout the course of a work. Authors use motifs to create a unifying or repeating idea, which typically points to a larger theme that the author wants the reader to learn. When a reader notices a recurring symbol or image, they should pay attention to the significance of when it occurs in the plot. Often, the author is trying to catch the reader’s attention and point them to a larger lesson or idea that the author wants the reader to know by the end of the work. For example, Holden’s red hunting hat in The Catcher in the Rye seems to be mentioned whenever he is in a state of discomfort or social alienation, pointing to the larger theme of alienation and fear. A motif can also be used to foreshadow events, highlight weaknesses and strengths in a character, or create a mood of suspense.

Notable Motif Examples in Literature

Be sure to check out our article, "Themes, Symbols, and Motifs"!