Other Words for Home Favoriete citaat

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Andere Woorden Voor Thuis Door Jessica Warga

Andere woorden voor thuis door Jasmine Warga

Door Liane Hicks

Other Words for Home vertelt het verhaal van de 12-jarige Jude, die met haar gezin in een toeristisch kustplaatsje in Syrië woont. De steeds gewelddadiger wordende Syrische burgeroorlog dwingt haar ouders om de moeilijke beslissing te nemen voor Jude en haar zwangere moeder om naar de Verenigde Staten te vluchten om bij de familie van hun oom te gaan wonen. Betrek studenten met vooraf gemaakte Storyboard That -activiteiten!

Andere Woorden Voor Thuis

Storyboard Beschrijving

Door de leerlingen een favoriete quote of scène uit het boek te laten kiezen, kunnen ze een tekst-naar-zelf-verbinding maken die hun begrip van de personages en hun ontwikkeling of de thema's van Other Words For Home laat zien.

Storyboard Tekst

  • Jude begins wearing her hijab after her first period. It is a time she has been anxiously waiting for and she is very excited about this special rite of passage. Her parents and Layla's parents treat it as the momentous occasion that it is. Her teacher Mrs. Ravenswood also makes her feel welcome and accepted. However, Jude feels that no matter how much she explains to Aunt Michelle that it is her choice and she is happy about it, Aunt Michelle is still skeptical. In a heart-felt moment in the story, author Jasmine Warga conveys Jude's feelings of pride in wearing her hijab and her wish to dispel the misunderstandings surrounding the Muslim custom in a beautiful and moving way.
  • "I want women like Aunt Michelleto understandThat it is not only women who look like themwho are freewho thinkand care about other women . . .That I cover my head like otherstrongrespectedwomen have done before melike Malala Yousafzailike Kariman Abuljadayellike my mama.That I cover my headnot because I am ashamedforcedor hiding.but because I amproudand want to be seenas I am."
  • ""Look at you, Jude, habibti, so grown-up," Baba says. "I'm proud and your brother would be too.""
  • ""You are a woman, Jude", Mama says, her voice equal parts awe and admiration."
  • ""You look beautiful no matter what", Aunt Michelle says, "but I hope you know it is your choice.""
  • ""Hello, Jude", Mrs. Ravenswood says, "You look nice today!""
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