Gone with the Wind

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Gone with the Wind
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5 måter lærere kan bruke 16x9-oppsettet for ELA

Av Emily Swartz

Mens 16x9 har vært bransjestandarden innen filmproduksjon i mange år, føler vi at det også er en flott layout for lærere! Studentene gir mer plass til å lage, og vil elske denne layoutfunksjonen!

Sjekk ut noen av våre andre pedagogiske artikler!

Storyboard Beskrivelse

The book Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell was published on June 30, 1936. The movie was the first movie to be storyboarded!

Storyboard Tekst

  • Gone with the Wind was published on June 30, 1936.
  • The Gone with the Wind film adaptation was the first movie to be completely storyboarded out prior to production.
  • Scarlett
  • Mammy

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